Contribution to the factory io project 32


This video is improvised, so it is edited leaving what I think is most instructive for the students.

I summarize it:

Min 3:33, prepare to program with the machine (APP).

Min 6:00, FACTORY IO limitation

Min 7:30, alternative solution

Min 13:25, how the scene looks

Min 17:12, import of the program created by the APP

Min 24:00, exporting the FACTORY IO variables to the PLC

I consider the entirety of this video important enough for the students to GET the idea, I do not consider myself to be anyone’s tutor or teacher, nor do I have the obligation to be, in fact what you see is ONLY for Schneider since the structure of the APPs’ s are designed for this PLC and do not work for other PLCs.

The purpose of all these contributions is merely informative and dedicated to teaching, among other things, because said teaching needs it.

Learning PLC programming by creating games is one of the most effective ways to achieve the most complete knowledge as well as the fastest way to acquire it. The only drawback that this type of learning has is that you need to start from a certain level to start developing, and that certain level, unfortunately, is not available to everyone, among other things, because it is necessary to make an effort that not everyone is willing to make.
