Difficulties using Codesys with Modbus client

So far, while using Modbus Client connection with Cosesys, I’ve found that every other input/output byte is swapped from Codesys to Factory IO. I have compensated by addressing my Codesys variables starting with %IX1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and working my way up and around to %IX0.5, 0.6, 0.7 to conclude the first two bytes. It’s the same for bytes 3 and 4, and each subsequent pair of bytes after that.
My second big hangup is figuring how to address the digital display in “Assembler” scene. When I manually input integers into prepared value while live with scene, the other inputs are powered in different patterns with each different number.
If anyone can help me with this it’d be very much appreciated. I can’t seem to find an answer anywhere online. Thanks