Is this a dead product?

Is Factory I/O to be considered a dead product by now? I realize you are a very small company but the rate of improvements is basically zero?

I’m hoping I’m wrong?

Kind regards

Hi @karlssmg,

Thanks so much for reaching out and voicing your concerns. We understand your frustration with the pace of our updates.
Our team may be small and our resources might be stretched, but we’re fully committed to supporting and enhancing Factory I/O.
We’re not just keeping things running. We’re also diligently working on the big Factory I/O wishlist.

We’re excited about the development plans we have in store. Think of them as “big” updates in the making.

We’d love to hear more from you. Are there any specific features or improvements you’d like to see in Factory I/O? You can discuss them with the community and post them here.

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Thanks for the positive feedback!

It is an extremely useful tool and I am eagerly awaiting many of the things I and others have put in the wishlist. But on the other hand, seeing is believing.

Please let me know if I can assist in any way, as a tester or otherwise.

Good luck! :+1:

Hola, soy nuevo en este sitio, espero poder contribuir lo que buenamente pueda con este simulador.

Un producto muerto…frustración…

Verán, yo pienso que los creadores de este simulador no son conscientes de lo que han creado, no son conscientes de todas las posibilidades que ofrece el simulador Factory IO, TAL COMO ESTA, obviamente no digamos si se mejoran algunas cosas, (que como todo en el mundo, todo es mejorable), no son conscientes de que la educación en los institutos de hoy, no es la educación de los institutos de antaño.

Lo único que ocurre es, que no han dado con la persona capaz de desarrollar lo que comento, la persona que se salga de lo común, y la persona que basándose en el funcionamiento de Factory IO, sea capaz de suplir los fallos del simulador con programación.

Por desgracia, estas personas escasean hoy por hoy, pero haberlas las hay.


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Hello @amjavi6

I kindly ask you to write your posts in English so others can understand, this is an international forum.

Hello Adriana Silva, I’m new to this site, I hope I can contribute what I can with this simulator.

A dead product…frustration…

You see, I think that the creators of this simulator are not aware of what they have created, they are not aware of all the possibilities that the Factory IO simulator offers, AS IT IS, obviously not to mention if some things are improved, (which like everything in the world, everything can be improved), they are not aware that the education in today’s institutes is not the education of the institutes of yesteryear.

The only thing that happens is that they have not found the person capable of developing what I mentioned, the person who is out of the ordinary, and the person who they based on the operation of Factory IO, is capable of making up for the failures of the simulator with programming.

Unfortunately, these people are scarce today, but there are some.
