I’m reaching out to seek your expertise in resolving an issue I’m encountering while simulating my production line using Factory IO and TwinCAT 3. My goal is to connect Factory IO to TwinCAT 3 via modbus to control and monitor my simulated production line.
Currently, I have set up the modbus connection between Factory IO and TwinCAT 3, and according to Factory IO’s indications, the connection is successfully established. When I put the Twincat program offline Factory IO displays an error message saying it has lost the connection, therefore letting me think that the communication between both was ok. However, despite this connection, no input/output is being received or sent by Factory IO.
I’ve done the set up following this tutorial : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnkdgnSNGz4 and have followed its instructions scrupulously.
I have already tried several solutions to address this issue, including downloading as an administrator and disabling my firewall, but unfortunately, this has not resolved the problem.
I’m seeking advice on the best approach to solve this issue. Are there specific configurations I should check in TwinCAT 3 or in Factory IO’s communication settings? Are there any tests I can perform to more accurately diagnose the root cause of the malfunction?
Any suggestions or assistance you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your valuable help