Connecting FIO to PLCSIM

Im getting this error when trying to connect to factory IO. Ive folllwed the steps on the factory IO website and still cant connect

The error is error code 4, does not exist. Reffering to PLC sim s7.

I have tia v17, i have downloaded the file off the factory IO website and loaded it into tia portal. Started simulation, pressed run on PLC sim, opended factory IO, opended a new project, went to drivers, selected s7 PLCSIM. Pressed connect and im getting this error. Please help

Hello @liamfarrell3000

Did you manage to solve this issue? Could you tell me how to replicate it on my end? I’ve never encountered this error and I’m curious about it.

Haha im a beginner. I was selecting the wrong plc model inside factory io. Thats all