Multiple instances of Factory IO

Is it possible to run multiple instances with different scenes withe different PLC on one machine (PC)?

Would be great to expand the scenes?

Thx in advance

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Hi @t.quirder,

Unfortunately only a single instance of Factory IO can run simultaneously on one machine.

Would be great to expand the scenes?

Do you mean increasing the number of scenes shipped with Factory IO? Or to ship larger and more complex scenes?

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Yes. The designer would be able to create more than one scene at a time, which run in multiple instances with and could be feed by multiple PLCSIM like Siemens PLCSim Advanced…via Ethernet

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It would be nice to expand the variety of components for building scenes. In particular, more process oriented components would be nice. There is a tank, but you cannot do much with it. Other tanks, pumps, valves, heater, temp sensors, etc.

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I did some stuff with the tank, namely a PID control. The fluid system of Factory I/O is kinda weird, I get constant water spikes and huge waves when interacting with the tank.

I second the need for more process items tho. I’m still looking for some stuff like transfer carriages or standalone chain transfers (without the rolls).

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Maybe they need to build a separate simulator (Process I/O ?). Most of the other modules (conveyors, loaders, etc.) all work together in some fashion. The tank does not connect or interface with anything else.

It would be great to have tanks, pumps, mixers, heaters, storage…


Agreed. That would be cool!

Gotta love me some fluid system.

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