I was trying to use RFID tag to sort boxes (odd numbers to one side and even numbers to the other side), but then I found out that there was no output data at RFID sensor even though other sensors worked perfectly. I have two questions: are there any number already assigned to boxes’ tags at all and should I set up RFID sensor somehow beforehand?
I use TIA Portal V15 and 1500-series CPU. I also cheked some sample projects, but could not find what I am doing wrong.
Hi @nikolai.semin!
We have some posts here in the forum that might be helpful. Here you can find some projects shared by our users, but this particular post will guide you through a simple example to help you understand how RFID readers and tags work. This topic will also give you more insight.
Hope this is useful, if you still have questions, feel free to reply!
I see one of my posts/comments got mentioned. 
Thanks a lot! I was not concentrated enough and missed the part I needed!
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Thank you for your comment, it was exactly what I was looking for 
You’re welcome. If you need any additional help let me know. But I think I summed it up quite nicely, if I may say so.
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i have some questions please how can i contact you
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Best describe your problem here, we’ll help you as good as we can.
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