Technician-student project


Lovely, I like it!
Could you publish the scene? Would love to give it a go myself.

Also, programming a stacker crane reliably ain’t easy, kudos to you guys!

Sorry, as a “new” user, I unfortunately do not have the right to upload anything … :-/

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You could upload it to WeTransfer and I could reupload it here.

TECH_PROJECT_01.factoryio (306.2 KB)

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Hi @georges.reding this is amazing work :slight_smile: I downloaded the scene and was able to set it up in my factory IO. But I’m straggling to run the scene. Appreciate any guidance on how to map the tags properly.

Tags mapping is like in „real world“ … either map them by sub-scenes or by kinds … the tags can then be exported from Factory/io to your automation software (f. Ex. TIA)…

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Hi @georges.reding could you please send the programming? I would like to know how it is done so that I can understand it better.