Factory I/O 2.5.7 maintenance release

We are pleased to announce the release of Factory I/O 2.5.7! This maintenance update includes key improvements and fixes:

  • Drivers: Added support for Siemens Open Controller 1515SP-PC2.
  • Drivers: Added support for S7-PLCSIM V5.4 SP8.
  • Parts: Fixed Pick & Place not being able to pick up Stackable Box.
  • Licensing: Fixed cached floating license not being deleted on application quit.

Get it here: Download Archive.


A post was merged into an existing topic: S7-PLCSIM not running

I’ve encountered a bug with Factory IO. I use a QWERTZ keyboard, and even though Factory I/O shows that “Yaw” is bound to Y and “Undo” is bound to Ctrl+Z and Redo to Ctrl+Y, the mapping doesn’t work correctly. When I have to press Z on my keyboard to yaw, and Ctrl+Y to undo and Ctrl+Z to redo.



Thanks for taking the time to report this.

Factory I/O uses the keyboard physical keys (scancodes modeled after the QWERTY keyboard) instead of key codes (the character obtained by pressing the key). This is something we are working on and expect to fix in an upcoming release.

I think it worked in a previous release though? Otherwise I would have noticed this earlier. Or maybe I just worked around it back then?

@janbumer1 This issue appears to be a regression introduced in version 2.5.5. Starting with this version, FIO is using the physical keyboard layout instead of key codes. This change was an unintended side effect of upgrading Factory I/O to a newer release of Unity. We’re already working on a fix and expect to have it resolved soon. Thank you for catching this and bringing it to our attention!

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Aaah, okay. Thank you for confirming my hunch!