Floatig License Problems

Hello I have problems with the floatig licenses in our school.

About our structure:
Windows domain
extra firewall for schools with a proxy

I had installed the RLM On-premise server to distribute the floatig licenses. But since version 2.5 this is no longer possible and I try to use the online licensing.
So I created the share code and wanted to enter it at Factory IO.

The first thing I noticed is that Factory I/O doesn’t seem to have an internet connection at startup. In the background you can see that Youtube is working.


Then I entered the share code and I got the following error message
The program reports that the server does not allow connection.


Unfortunately, I am not allowed to simply release all ports but only the specific ports of an application. I have not been able to find the exact ports that the program uses to license itself.

Next I contacted the support which URL I should share in the firewall, I was told the following URL

This URL was released but still no activation is possible.

Are there certain ports that have to be released in the firewall?

Next I created the auto.cfg and put it in ProgramData\Real Games\Factory IO with the following content:

license.set_proxy(‘’,‘8080’,‘my name’,‘my password’)
license.share_code = ‘XXX-XXX-XXX’

so far so good.
computer also gets a floating license if it is not in the windows domain.

As soon as I lift the computer into the school domain I get neither a trial license nor a floatig license.

Are there certain windows domain settings that prevent a connection?

maybe someone can help me

Hi @Hanna,

Factory I/O now uses Windows proxy settings, the console command license.set_proxy has been deprecated in version 2.5.0. The only rule you should have to add to your proxy server is, in fact, to allow the URL: https://us-central1-factory-io.cloudfunctions.net/api

“Documentation and tutorials” (Welcome menu) get its content from the URL: https://feeds-factoryio.web.app/ , you should add it to your proxy server as well.

Do you use VPN or internet connection to connect to your Windows domain controller? Is this problem only happening with Factory /O, can you check if other apps (excluding web browsers) can connect to the Internet?