New to Factory IO and need urgent help

I see you didn’t follow my instructions, because if you had you would have noticed that you were missing the “Reader Status” in your scene. :wink:

Anyways, I went ahead and “fixed” your scene and program.

  1. In Factory I/O I repositioned the first RFID reader to the right side of the conveyor and added a pallet right in front of it. As per documentation the position of the RFID tag on the pallet is at the front right. Hence the repositioning of the first RFID reader. You’d have to reposition the others yourself.
  2. I added the “Status” as an output to the driver, so you can check your Factory I/O connection in your TIA project.
  3. I changed the data type for numerical I/O of Factory I/O from “Word” to “DWord” so you can use the full 32 bits that the RFID reader offers. Beware of data types here.
  4. I added the missing MHJ function to your TIA project, as it is described to be required to run PLCSIM with Factory I/O in this documentation, the download link to the project containing this function is found in this documentation. I assumed you wanted to run the whole thing with PLCSIM and not a real PLC as the driver in Factory I/O was set to PLCSIM. If you want to use a physical PLC with Factory I/O, set the PLC up according to this documentation, the most noteworthy part being the “Enable PUT/GET” in the connection mechanisms dialog.
  5. I enabled the required setting “Support simulation during block compilation” for PLCSIM to work with the TIA project in the project settings>protection
  6. I added a new tag list and reorganized the tags required for the RFID reader 1 and added 2 functions to the project, the first being “RDIF_PackUnpack” with packs the inputs and outputs of the RFID reader (from the tags) into a data structure, defined by the UDT “UDT_RFID”, containing “UDT_RFID_IN” and “UDT_RFID_OUT” which will make handling all the RFID in and outputs easier down the line. I then called this inside the function “RFID_Reader” which I called in OB1.

That’s about all I think.

I tested the whole thing using PLCSIM and it worked for me. See the files attached.
If you have questions, feel free to ask. (355.3 KB)
Scene1_Corrected.factoryio (236.2 KB)

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