OPC Client DA/UA can't connect to server

Bruno, thanks for your reply.

  • Yes I am using 2.4.3
  • I am using the node-opcua OPC server. More specifically the sample that was provided in this forum https://community.factoryio.com/t/node-opcua-server/332/8
    In this sample, the server is instantiated this way, I guess there is no security at all. I don’t see what I should change, to allow the Factory I/O client to connect. Thanks for your guidance.
    const server = new opcua.OPCUAServer({
    port: 4334, // the port of the listening socket of the server
    resourcePath: “/UA/MyLittleServer”, // this path will be added to the endpoint resource name
    buildInfo : {
    productName: “MySampleServer1”,
    buildNumber: “7658”,
    buildDate: new Date(2014,5,2)