Setup one plc 1500 with a ET200sp device

Is it possible to get a connection here? I have tried several times to use Factory IO with a setup of a PLC 1500 and an IO device ET200SP. I have followed the instructions to establish a connection with a real PLC, not the simulation, but with no success. Could it be because they have different IP addresses, the PLC and the ET200. does it have to be one PLC With in and outputs before it can work? i have added a picture of device and network. or is it because me PLC is a Failsafe?

I’m not exactly sure what you’re trying to achieve here.
There is a guide on how to connect a S7-1500 CPU with Factory I/O here.

Be aware that the Factory I/O simulation directly write inputs and reads outputs on your CPU, there is no need for any additional hardware. Also, there may not be any overlap between any physical IO range and the IO range designated for Factory IO, as the physical IO will always have priority over the Factory I/O inputs and outputs.
For example, if your ET200SP has IO cards and those are in the range I 0.0 to I 3.7, your Factory I/O range may not be I 0.0 to I 7.7 (as this would overlap with the physical IO on I 0.0 to I 3.7), but instead should be something like I 100.0 to I 107.7.

You can change the IO range of Factory I/O on the driver configuration page under I/O points, see here.

It’s because that’s the only thing I have in my office. And I needed to simulate a production line, so what I understand, it’s not possible to use an ET200 and connect it to my CPU 1511F-PN. I don’t have a CPU with inputs and outputs directly. But Thx for Answer! :grinning:

so what I understand, it’s not possible to use an ET200 and connect it to my CPU 1511F-PN

No, that’s actually not what I said. I have used ET200SP with 1511F CPUs and Factory I/O just fine multiple times.

What I said is that it’s not possible to have the ET200SP inputs and outputs on the same address as the Factory I/O inputs and outputs if you want to use both at the same time. You have to change one of them.

If you just want to test your program using Factory I/O as a simulation tool, you can leave everything at is, set the Factory I/O input and output addresses to the same ones as the ET200SP uses and not connect the ET200SP physically (don’t hook up the profinet cable). This way the Factory I/O simulation should overwrite the inputs and read the outputs that are normally used by the ET200SP.

Ah, I see, so this is what you mean?
I have just tried this now, but with no luck. Maybe I don’t understand the tutorial then. Or do I just need to use memory bits? I just want to use a button on a box in Factory IO, but using a physical PLC to have it activated.

That should, theoretically, work if your connection to the CPU is okay. Have you disconnected the ET200SP?

Have you followed this tutorial? You need to activate PUT/GET on the CPU.

It would be nice if you could include the state of the drive connection in your screenshots (you cut that off in your last screenshot).

@LasseMikkelsen I just tested it myself and it worked flawlessly.



Hello again!
Thank you very much! I found out that I had the same addresses in the program as my PLC, so I overwrote them. The out and input adresses :grin: :sweat_smile:

As said:

If you just want to test your program using Factory I/O as a simulation tool, you can leave everything at is, set the Factory I/O input and output addresses to the same ones as the ET200SP uses and not connect the ET200SP physically (don’t hook up the profinet cable). This way the Factory I/O simulation should overwrite the inputs and read the outputs that are normally used by the ET200SP.

See also picture 1. I did configure a ET200SP that uses the same I/O addresses as Factory I/O (see second to last picture), but I didn’t connect the ET200SP (first picture, the small device symbol with the red X on the ET200SP). This way the I/O sent by Factory I/O didn’t get overwritten by the ET200SP.

But I’m glad you figured it out and got it to work. Happy tinkering!